Story of Ansh Agrico Private Limited and registered as a company at 2014 (Under Companies Act 2013). With a group of inspired colleagues, the company set out on a lifelong journey of passion and commitment towards organic India. This is an organized effort on a nationwide basis to serve the farming community for production, certification and marketing of agricultural crops under sustainable, Organic and Good Agricultural Practices (GLOBAL G.A.P. formerly known EUREP-GAP) standards systematically in India and worldwide. Over the years the company is intensively engaged with farmers across Indian states in motivating them to adopt chemical free agriculture system and help them to get their land and produce certified as govt. and buyers norms.
Services provided by Ansh Agrico Private Limited, guaranteed the rigorous respect of the applied standards on products, systems, and services, leading its operators to meet the growing requirements and face challenges of higher standards in Quality, Health and Safety, Environment and Social Responsibility. Our production standards during working under different organizations confirm to USDA NOP, Indian NPOP norms, PGS-India GLOBAL G.A.P. standards and are certified by organizations empanelled with APEDA, Ministry of Commerce and NCOF, Ministery of Agriculture and Farmers welfare Govt of India.
At the heart of Ansh Agrico our commitment is to promote holistic sustainable development for all beings through organic agriculture and Good Agricultural practices. We are committed to service, sanctity and integrity, and to operating an ethical and sustainable business that harms none and benefits all.
“Ansh Agrico Pvt. Ltd. is also empanelled as a Service Provider with the National Center for Organic and Natural Farming (NCO&NF), Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India.”
Ansh Agrico is knowledge and learning Centre for all the aspects of organic agriculture and agribusiness by providing information, services, advice and market linkages to organic stake holders.
Company take projects to convert conventional farming practices into organic through organic adoption and certification procedures where in the company imparts organic farming technologies to the farmers and ensures that they adhere to them.
The company also enlists the services of third party certification agencies to get the land certified.
The produce grown on this land is then considered organic and efforts are then made by the organization to access both domestic and international markets so as to get a better realization for the produce thereby benefitting the farmers.